
Welcome to a special Christmas Edition blog! This blog was created to be a resource for us to gather and prepare our hearts and minds for the true purpose of the Christmas season. With the craziness and busyness of life we pray you can slow down and remember the great JOY of this holiday. Our Redeemer has come! Behold your King is here!

Please visit our regular blog at http://prayingthroughlife.blogspot.com

Monday, December 17, 2012

Family Fun and Christ-focused Christmas

Something that has truly become special to our family is looking for and going to a live nativity. For young children (and even for adults) there's nothing quite like seeing the Christmas story come to life. We especially love the ones where they have real animals! There have been a number of times that I have been brought to tears watching the show, and wondering what it must have been really like. What a great opportunity for my children to see the story come alive!! 


I love decorating my house for Christmas. Half of my attic is without a doubt all Christmas things. But a few years ago, I was challenged at a workshop. If someone walks into my house at Christmas, will the see Jesus? Sadly, they couldn't. Don't get me wrong, I still have trees and wreaths and garland and pretty lights everywhere, but I've tried to change my focus. If not just for people coming in my home, but for my children who live here and whom we want to know the real reason for Christmas. Since then, I am always on the lookout for a Nativity set to buy or to make. Since I've had children, I search the Internet for kid friendly sets as well. Now, I hardly ever buy one full price. I'm always looking at thrift stores, Goodwill, or hand me downs. I try to have a Nativity every where there's a focus on decorations. I also try to have one kid friendly one in each of the boys rooms so they can play with it. Here are some of my favorite kid friendly sets.

You can never go wrong with the Little People Set. If you don't have one, ask for one for Christmas!

One free printable is from the following website:


Instead of having them standing in a box, I laminated them, put a piece a Velcro, and attached them to a poster board with a little stable, then hung it on the wall. They love it!

Here's another free printable using toilet paper rolls!


They love this one too.

I do also have my nicer ones on display, they're just more out of reach :) Here's an example of a Nativity silhouette I want to try and make this year:


As cliche` as this saying has become, Jesus is the reason for the season, and I want my house to reflect that.

Merry Christmas!

In Christ,
Rockie Mehaffie <><

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